Category: News

Minimum Wage Statewide Hearing | April 13, 2015

If Oregon is to be a good place to raise a family, our minimum wage must increase. It’s that simple. Why? Because right now, if you work full-time at minimum wage you take home just $18,925 a year – not nearly enough to afford housing, food, childcare, and other necessities for a family, let alone save… Read more »

Sign the Petition for Paid Sick Time!

Because all Oregon workers should have paid sick time. Everybody gets sick, but not everyone has the time to recover. Right now 473,000 Oregonians – 47% of the Oregon work force – don’t have the right to take even one day off when they or a family member is ill.  That’s not healthy for them, their workplaces, their families, their… Read more »

Speak up for a statewide paid sick time law!

It’s not surprising that powerful corporate lobby interests are working hard in Salem to prevent a statewide paid sick time law from passing this legislative session, is it? And if they can’t stop it, they’re determined to water it down so it doesn’t help the people who need it most. But we’re not going to… Read more »

Our 2015 Legislative Agenda

We see an Oregon where all women and families are economically secure & caregiving isn’t a barrier to financial stability. And we’re excited for the opportunities in 2015 to move Oregon forward to work better for all Oregon families, however they are configured. These are the bills we are supporting during the current legislative session to… Read more »

Incredible public hearing on paid sick time!

What an amazing public hearing Monday night in the state capitol to support a statewide paid sick time law! Oregonians showed up in force (several hundred folks filling five hearing rooms and the hallway!). We heard testimony from workers, employers, public health experts, community members, kids, local government officials, and more. And, of course, our… Read more »

Eugene Says Yes to Paid Sick Days!

Something BIG happened in Eugene last night, and we think you’ll be as elated as we are about it. After many months of discussion and community input, the Eugene City Council voted 5 to 3 to pass a paid sick days ordinance that will apply to every person who works in Eugene, starting July 1,… Read more »

Fall 2014 Newsletter

Now that we know we have some family-friendlier faces in our state legislature (which is excellent, excellent news), we’re looking ahead to the 2015 legislative session where we have the opportunity to partner with our legislators to pass some strong, family-friendly policies. Policies Oregon families desperately need – like paid sick time, equal pay for equal… Read more »