Month: March 2020

More Action Needed on Child Care

The below letter was drafted in partnership with many organizations to call for immediate relief to Oregon’s child care providers and the families they serve. Date: March 27, 2020 To: Governor Kate Brown, Oregon’s Joint Special Committee on Coronavirus Response, Oregon’s Congressional Delegation CC: Oregon State Legislators; Miriam Calderon, Early Learning Systems Director; Fariborz Pakseresht,… Read more »

A Call to Action for Immediate Support

The below letter was drafted in partnership with many organizations to provide recommendations to the Joint Committee on Coronavirus Response for the creation of an economic and social safety net for Oregon families in this time of crisis. Our organizations are ready to support the Joint Committee’s work in all ways possible to ensure immediate… Read more »

COVID-19 y Tiempo de Enfermedad de Oregón

A medida que la pandemia de “Coronavirus” COVID-19 continúa extendiéndose, queremos asegurarnos de que puedan mantener a su familia segura y saludable. Casi todos los que trabajan en Oregón deberían tener acceso a tiempo de enfermedad protegido por el trabajo, y muchos (pero no todos) los empleados deberían recibir su salario normal durante ese tiempo…. Read more »

COVID-19 and Oregon sick leave: What you need to know

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, we want to make sure you’re able to keep your family safe and healthy.  Nearly everyone working in Oregon should have access to job-protected sick time, and many (but not all) employees should be paid at their normal wages for that time. Here’s what you need to know… Read more »