Fighting for Our Families Since 2010

Moms and caregivers have played a critical role in fighting for racial, gender, and economic justice in Oregon.

When we work together, we win big.

Nuestras Victorias en Español


  • Launched Paid Leave Oregon, our state paid family and medical leave program, a victory 14 years in the making. 
  • Launched the first state agency solely focused on child care and early childhood education, the Department of Early Learning and Care!
  • Created the permanent Early Learning & Care Infrastructure Fund (HB 3005)  to finance the construction and renovation of child care facilities around the state. We secured $50 million for the fund and won an additional $12 million to invest and expand capacity for specific child care centers around the state!
  • 254 of our mom, caregiver, and provider leaders took action in the legislative session.
  • Expanded the definition of family for all paid and unpaid leave in Oregon.
  • 1200+ children in Preschool for All in Multnomah County! 
  • 60+ media stories on child care + our work, raising awareness all over the state
  • Passed HB 2727 to bring together child care stakeholders and determine what changes can be made to zoning, building code, and permitting of child care facilities, removing unnecessary obstacles to expanding facilities around the state.
  • Passed SB 599 to protect child care providers in rental homes and stop landlords from preventing licensed child care from operating in rental properties. 
  • Passed HB 2504 & HB 2991 to make it easier for people who want to work in child care to actually get certified and get to work, and help more people who speak languages other than English more easily enter this workforce. 


  • $100 million investment in child care
  • Improving outcomes for incarcerated mothers at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility (HB 5202)
  • Universal legal representation for immigrant Oregonians (SB 1543)
  • Overtime pay for farmworkers (HB 4002)
  • Increased racial justice in Oregon’s public safety system (SB 1510)


  • Reformed Oregon’s public child care system, Employment Related Day Care (ERDC), to be more beneficial for parents and families and established the Department of Early Learning and Care (HB 3073)
  • Secured a historic $80M investment in mental health access for BIPOC families by passing the Behavioral Health Workforce Diversity Act with our partners at PCUN and APANO (HB 2949)
  • Fought to ensure families can stay together by helping to pass the Sanctuary Promise Act, which will protect Oregonians from racial profiling and strengthen Oregon’s sanctuary status (HB 3265)
  • Gave mothers and families a chance to end cycles of poverty, trauma, and intergenerational involvement in the criminal justice system by ensuring that the Family Preservation Project at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility has sufficient and stable funding (SB 720)
  • Fought for $75 million in new child care investments to fund expansions for 4,000+ new preschool slots across the state and an increase to the Early Childhood Equity Fund to support the creation of new culturally responsive preschool options (SB 5513 & SB 5529)


  • Most inclusive paid family & medical leave law in the country (HB 2005, The FAMLI Act)
  • Increased pregnancy accommodations for Oregon workers (HB 2341)
  • Expanded milk expression/nursing protections (HB 2593)
  • Increased protection from sexual harassment for workers (SB 726)
  • Established Child Care Task Force (HB 2346)
  • Drivers Licenses for All (HB 2015)
  • Student Success Act (HB 3427)
  • Banned no-cause evictions and extreme rent increases (SB 608)


  • Reproductive Health Equity Act (HB 3391) to ensure coverage of the full range of reproductive health services in Oregon, including abortion care + adds the right to abortion to state law
  • Statewide Medicaid expansion to all children, regardless of immigration status (Cover All Kids, SB 558)
  • Extended equal pay protections (HB 2007)


  • Statewide/regional minimum wage increase (Raise the Wage, SB 1542)


  • Statewide paid sick time (SB 454)
  • Statewide retirement savings program (HB 2960)
  • Statewide retirement savings program (HB 2960)
  • Equal pay expansions (HB 2005)
  • Domestic worker bill of rights (SB 552)
  • Prevented employers from asking about criminal history prior to interview (Ban the Box, HB 3025-B)
  • Require continuation of health insurance for workers utilizing the Oregon Family Leave Act (HB 2600)
  • Banned profiling by a law enforcement agency or officer and created a statewide complaint system so that all Oregonians have a safe way to report a complaint (End Profiling, HB 2002)

Ballot Measures

  • Measure 101: Protecting expanded Medicaid investments (2018)
  • No on Measure 103: Prohibits grocery tax (2019)
  • No on Measure 104: Requires 3/5ths majorities to raise fees or eliminate tax breaks (2019)
  • No on Measure 105: Repeals Oregon’s sanctuary law (2019)
  • No on Measure 106: Bans use of state funds for abortions (2019)