Meet our intern, Jenna!

Once a year, we have a social work intern join us for the year to observe and support our work, getting hands-on training in a fast-paced learning environment that is aligned with their graduate curriculum. This year we’ve been working with Jenna Borowski, a graduate student in the Social Work master’s program at Portland State… Read more »

Thoughts on Striking

By Martha Ruttle, Family Forward Activist Striking isn’t an option for most women I know, and it sure isn’t an option for this single working mom! I thought about marking the day with an hour-by-hour accounting of my time to illustrate what it might look like if I stopped doing any of it. But I… Read more »

Day Without a Woman

Today we recognize International Women’s Day, in honor of laboring women across the nation and around the world. For Family Forward it’s not just about today. We honor a history of women’s strikes and their paid and unpaid labor every day, in our ongoing advocacy to advance gender, racial, and economic justice. Women deserve to… Read more »

March 23, Public Hearing for Paid Family and Medical Leave!

Last fall, we launched Time for Oregon, a campaign to win paid family and medical leave for all Oregon families. We named this campaign Time for Oregon because it’s high time to prioritize caregivers and to recognize the value of caregiving – and because it’s time for Oregon to make this long-overdue change a priority…. Read more »

Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act (HB 3087) Introduced in Legislature Backed by Diverse Coalition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 24, 2017 Contact: Luann Algoso,, 714-613-2647 SALEM, OR – Today, the legislature introduced the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act (HB 3087), a bill that is supported by the Time for Oregon coalition, a group of organizations ranging from community advocacy groups, labor organizations, public health organizations, senior groups, children’s… Read more »

Salem Activist Training on February 28!

Join us in Salem on Tuesday, February 28 for a Family Forward activist training! Our grassroots activist trainings are open to all levels of activism and community organizing and are a great way to meet others in your community. We seek to mobilize those who identify as women (this includes women of color, gender non-conforming, and trans… Read more »

In Solidarity with Immigrant Communities

Today, a number of businesses and immigrant communities across the nation are striking as a way to show the new administration the importance and value that immigrants provide in the U.S. This “Day Without Immigrants” strike comes in response to the recent crackdowns on undocumented residents, the Muslim ban, and the promise to build a… Read more »

Why Does This Work Matter?

by Katrina Yuen Family Forward board member and activist Moving into 2017, I look forward to the year ahead with optimism, but most importantly, resolve. There will be so much at stake in these coming months for all of us in Oregon. I don’t doubt that many of us have spent time asking ourselves the… Read more »

Now More Than Ever

There’s no denying the harsh impact of this election – and it’s far-reaching impacts on many of the things we’ve been working to advance since we started this organization, nearly 8 years ago. As we geared up for 2017, in hope for what might be possible, we instead were met, again, with the harsh realities… Read more »

Join us: Healing & Moving Forward Together, Nov 20

Join us on Sunday, November 20th from 10-1pm for a gathering of current activists and new, for a discussion about the election, what it means for our country and our local work, and ways to get involved. We thoroughly cherish the work of our volunteers, members and activists over the past few years and by… Read more »