In the News: Family Forward Holds Lawmakers Accountable for Underfunding Child Care

October 2023 Salem Statesman Journal: Oregon’s subsidized day care program is about to run out of spots Oregon Capital Chronicle: Families face uncertain day care outlook as state spends last of federal funds Pamplin Media: Oregon officials warn of impending waitlist for state day care program. Advocates argue this was avoidable

We needed Congress to care about care.

Caring for our communities’ children, aging or sick family members, and disabled neighbors is vital to the health and economic prosperity of our country. Without care work, no other work is possible. Whether you care for someone else’s children or family members or your own, your work is essential.  Despite this, Republicans and a handful… Read more »

Meet our new team members!

We’re proud and grateful to be meeting this unique moment in history by expanding our team so that we can continue to organize, mobilize, and win the policies moms and caregivers need.  Audreona Mullens is our new Portland Regional Organizer. She has primarily worked with young adults in the past, but after a birth-related injury… Read more »

¡Conoce al equipo!

Este es un momento único e histórico en el movimiento y es por eso que estamos muy orgullosas y entusiasmadas de poder expandir nuestro equipo para continuar organizando, movilizando y aprobando las propuestas que necesitan las mamás y cuidadoras para prosperar. Audreona Mullens es nuestra nueva Organizadora Regional de Portland. Ha trabajado principalmente con adultos… Read more »

The courts don’t decide our fate. We do.

On Friday, June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court issued a chilling decision to overturn Roe v. Wade that robs us of our constitutional right to control our own bodies, our lives, and our futures. Knowing this was coming does not make this moment any less devastating.  We know this decision will cause tremendous harm to our communities, especially… Read more »

Respuesta a la violencia armada en Estados Unidos

Nuestros corazones están llenos de dolor e ira después de escuchar sobre el tiroteo en Texas donde 19 niños pequeños y 2 maestros fueron brutalmente asesinados en su escuela. Esta violencia extremista ocurrió solo 10 días después de un tiroteo masivo impulsado por la supremacía blanca en una tienda en Buffalo, Nueva York que mató… Read more »

Response to Gun Violence in America

Our hearts are full of grief and anger in light of the mass shooting in Texas where 19 beloved children and two admired teachers were brutally murdered at their school. This extremist violence happened just ten days after a white supremacy-fueled mass shooting at a grocery store in New York by a man who targeted… Read more »