Spring has sprung and so has our member drive!

We’re working hard at Family Forward Action to advance policies that work for moms across Oregon – but we can’t do it without our members.  Your membership means we can fight harder for paid sick days, paid family leave, affordable child care, schedules that work for our families, equal pay for equal work — and… Read more »

Join our Mobile Action Network!

Our goal is to make it as convenient as possible for you to stay up to date on important issues, events & opportunities to take action when action is needed. In short, we want connect with you where you are, so it’s easy to get off the sidelines and onto the team! We know you’re… Read more »

Six Word Memoirs on Motherhood by Oregon Moms

What do YOU have to say about motherhood — in 6 words?! MOTHERHOOD.  In Six Words? Yes, that’s what we’re asking you. (< see, that was 6 words!) Here’s the deal: We’re partnering with Smith Magazine’s Six-Word Memoir project to gather thoughts on motherhood from Oregon moms. Then we’re going to share them, in a variety… Read more »

Minimum Wage Statewide Hearing | April 13, 2015

If Oregon is to be a good place to raise a family, our minimum wage must increase. It’s that simple. Why? Because right now, if you work full-time at minimum wage you take home just $18,925 a year – not nearly enough to afford housing, food, childcare, and other necessities for a family, let alone save… Read more »

Spring 2015 Member Update | Don’t Miss A Thing!

Happy Spring! We are two months into our five-month state legislative session and there’s lots to report already — and lots more to come, too. We’ve been in the capitol building frequently to meet with legislators, attend and testify in hearings, and make sure that we are there to advocate for the bills we know Oregon… Read more »

Sign the Petition for Paid Sick Time!

Because all Oregon workers should have paid sick time. Everybody gets sick, but not everyone has the time to recover. Right now 473,000 Oregonians – 47% of the Oregon work force – don’t have the right to take even one day off when they or a family member is ill.  That’s not healthy for them, their workplaces, their families, their… Read more »

We’re Standing UP for a Fair Shot for All!

What a day!  There were eight rallies around the state asking our lawmakers to pass (long overdue) laws that will give every Oregonian a Fair Shot at economic opportunity, security, and success. Take a look at some of the people and messages from this powerful and empowering day of action! Learn more about Fait Shot for… Read more »

Speak up for a statewide paid sick time law!

It’s not surprising that powerful corporate lobby interests are working hard in Salem to prevent a statewide paid sick time law from passing this legislative session, is it? And if they can’t stop it, they’re determined to water it down so it doesn’t help the people who need it most. But we’re not going to… Read more »

Our 2015 Legislative Agenda

We see an Oregon where all women and families are economically secure & caregiving isn’t a barrier to financial stability. And we’re excited for the opportunities in 2015 to move Oregon forward to work better for all Oregon families, however they are configured. These are the bills we are supporting during the current legislative session to… Read more »