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Every year when Equal Pay Day rolls around we get mad all over again about the wage gap in this country. It’s preposterous that in 2016 women have to work longer to earn what men do for the same work.

This year Equal Pay Day — the day each year when women (on average) catch up to what white men earned the previous year — falls on April 12th, meaning women had to work about three extra months just to be paid what their white male counterparts received in 2015!!  And that’s not the whole story: women of color and mothers face an even wider wage gap, taking nearly another whole year to catch up for some. Outrageous, right?

Will you get unhappy about this with us?

It’s become an annual tradition for us to gather together on Equal Pay Day as a way to call attention to the persistent wage gap and invite people to work with us to close it.

So SAVE THE DATE for a little fun, a little Equal Pay BINGO (fun way to learn a few facts…), and some reduced-price drinks for the (cis/trans) ladies in the house!

Here’s the scoop:


  • What: Equal Pay Day (Un)Happy Hour — with Equal Pay Bingo & cheaper drinks for ALL* the ladies in the house, people!
  • Where: Dig-A-Pony, a centrally located eastside bar (here’s a map)
  • When: Tuesday evening April 12th, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Who: You! Your friends (leave the kids at home, please, this is a real honest-to-goodness no-minors-allowed bar)!
  • Why: April 12th is the day that women’s earnings catch up to what men earned LAST YEAR.. ‘Nuff said.
  • Spread the word: On Facebook? Great, post the event and use it to invite friends.
  • RSVP: No need, just drop in. We’ll be thrilled to see you!


Here’s the scoop:

  • What: Equal Pay Day (Un)Happy Hour
  • Where: Party Downtown (here’s a map)
  • When: Monday evening April 11th, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Who: You! Your friends! Your family!
  • Spread the word: On Facebook? Great! Post and share the event.
  • RSVP: No need, just drop in. We’ll be thrilled to see you!

Come on! Let’s get (Un)Happy together!!

(*We do mean all! If you’re a woman or identify as one, this discount’s for you!)