What a year we’ve had! As mothers and caregivers, 2020 has been one of the hardest years of our lives, and yet, at the end of it, we’ve achieved so much. As the board president of Family Forward Action, I’ve never been so in awe of what we can do when we pool our resources and collective power. Thank you!

Here’s what your support accomplished (during a pandemic, distance learning, a racial justice reckoning, and a terrifying presidential election year):

  • Elected 28 women, mothers and caregivers, and people of color endorsed by The Mother PAC, ensuring our voices and values are represented.
  • Passed universal preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds in Multnomah County, a historic win that has set a national precedent!
  • Engaged hundreds of new members in activism for the first time in their lives, enabling them to build their personal power and leadership skills and advocate for themselves and their families.
  • Integrated racial equity goals into all of our work and offered all of our programs in both English and Spanish, increasing our engagement within our Spanish-speaking community.

I truly believe that in 2021, with your support, we can leverage the organizing power we’ve built in our local communities to achieve so much more, including creating the path for a universal child care program for every Oregon family. Now is the time to dig deep and build toward even bolder transformations.

Can you expand your support by becoming a monthly sustaining donor today?

We count on you, our key supporters, to ensure that we have power year-round — during policymaking and elections. Both are key to achieving the change we need.

In solidarity with all the mamas and caregivers who have survived this year,

Rujuta Gaonkar
Board President, Family Forward Action

P.S. If giving monthly isn’t possible right now, we understand. A gift of any amount that is meaningful to you builds the momentum we need to keep winning for our families: familyforwardaction.org/donate.