Join us on Sunday, November 20th from 10-1pm for a gathering of current activists and new, for a discussion about the election, what it means for our country and our local work, and ways to get involved. We thoroughly cherish the work of our volunteers, members and activists over the past few years and by working together we have moved Oregon forward by passing important pro-family policies that represent real and positive change. But with the results of the election and a Trump/Pence administration on the horizon, we cannot face the challenges that lie ahead without your help and with more of us wiling to do the hard work to make change and protect those most marginalized.
NOTE: Because we know how charged this election is, and the need to create spaces that feel safe to discuss it, we will be facilitating this discussion in multiple groups: one for white women (including white trans and queer women), one for women of color (including trans and queer women of color), and one for men. We will all come together at certain points, but want to make clear that our concerns about this election – and the implications they hold for our families – are different and require the space to tease that apart.
If you are in need of childcare, please contact Luann@familyforward.org by this Wednesday, November 16 to send your requests.